Category: IRS

How to Stop an IRS Tax Levy


Of all the creditors or companies you might owe money to, the Internal Revenue Service can be the least forgiving about debt. If you don't pay your taxes, an IRS tax levy may be issued and they will take possession of your property, including cash accounts, wages, and real and personal property. The IRS will sell non-liquid assets to raise funds to satisfy the debt you owe.  If you’ve received a levy notice from the IRS, it’s time to ACT IMMEDIATELY. Our firm may be able to get your levy released the same day but you must call now for…


Is It Bad to Settle With the IRS???


You may have heard on the radio, TV, and online, that you can settle your tax bill for less than what you owe. But are these claims actually true? And can you really settle with the IRS without hurting yourself in the long run? Some of these national tax resolution firms you hear advertising offer very little service, just look at their Google and Yelp Reviews.  So it’s important to know who to trust and get educated on what your options are to resolve your tax problem. As a local expert Tax Resolution Firm ourselves based in Maine and serving…